Open: Mon & Wed 8:00 - 5:00, Tue & Thu 9:00-6:00
Phone: 480-755-1661
2425 S Stearman Dr., Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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Gentle, compassionate, professional care
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How Could I Get a Cavity Beneath a Dental Crown?

I got a crown on a molar tooth in 2017, and the tooth has a cavity in it. How could I get a cavity beneath a crown? Am I going to lose the tooth? – Thanks – Jon from NM Jon, A well-made dental crown should typically last longer than seven years. The longevity of […]


What Determines Whether I am a Candidate for Dental Implant Bone Grafting?

I want to transition from a dental bridge to dental implants. I got a dental bridge in 2007, and I can see the bone loss beneath the bridge. My dentist confirmed that I would need bone grafting before getting dental implants. Although our family dentist offers dental implants, she doesn’t place enough for me to […]


Why Are My New Crowns Burning My Gums?

My six new temporary crowns on my top front teeth were so uncomfortable that my dentist removed the crowns. She completed fluoride treatment on the six teeth and prescribed an antibiotic that I took for a week. My bite was off when the final crowns were ready, so my dentist filed on all the crowns. […]

2425 S Stearman Dr.
Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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