Should My Tooth Extraction Site Still Ache?
It’s almost three weeks since my lower right molar tooth extraction, and the tooth is still sensitive and achy when I eat warm or hot food. The extraction site looks healthy. Should it still ache with warm or hot foods? Thanks. Walt from IL Walt, It is common for an extraction site, particularly a wisdom […]
Should I Switch Dentists If a Bone Graft Failed?
My general dentist has placed hundreds of dental implants, so I trusted her to place two implants in my lower left teeth. She said that one tooth required bone grafting. After the graft healed, my dentist attempted the implant but said she needed to remove it because the bone was too shallow. She said I […]
Another complaint about ClearChoice
We received this on October 9, through our ClearChoice Reviews page: Your Name: Snantre Miller ClearChoice Location: Southfield, MI Your Review: Their Big Damn lies, They cut your gums. They removed about 13 mm off my gums. That is only upper gums, if you’re having 2 arches just imagine pretending that they only smooth the […]
Did My Dentist Ruin My Bridge?
In late August, while placing two new crowns, my dentist accidentally nicked one of the crowns on my Maryland bridge, which I’ve had since 2002. Although the bridge is older, it was in good condition, and I had no plans to replace it. Unfortunately, the nicked crown is a prominent spot on my left front […]
Another ClearChoice review from an unhappy patient
Wanda sent us this review of her experience at ClearChoice in Phoenix: “I had my bottom teeth done by ClearChoice an they made my first set all wrong. I made them fix them for me to look decent and that I could look into a mirror not think that that put some part of my […]
A warning about ClearChoice
We received this comment from Jeannine D. about her experience with ClearChoice in Chandler, AZ: “Highly recommend you get involved in the class action lawsuit. Sales girl tells you what you want to hear. Not telling you the first pair are totally temporary. Spent and paid $37,000 upfront then they said if I paid another […]