Open: Mon & Wed 8:00 - 5:00, Tue & Thu 9:00-6:00
Phone: 480-755-1661
2425 S Stearman Dr., Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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Gentle, compassionate, professional care
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Which Crowns Will Achieve a Better Match with My Teeth?

Last October, I received dental implants to replace four missing teeth. I opted for an implant for each missing tooth instead of a dental implant bridge. Before dental implants, I had a bridge that was in a weird position that made it look like it was sitting on my gums. I am wearing temporary crowns […]


Why Would I Need a Root Canal on a Tooth with a New Crown?

In October, my dentist put a crown over one of my upper right molars. The tooth was cracked and had an old silver filling in. The dentist had problems getting my tooth numb, so it felt like electric shocks when she was drilling. When the dentist checked my bite with my crown, I told her […]


Four Sets of Teeth from ClearChoice and Still Disappointed

In October, Rob sent us his ClearChoice St. Louis experience through our ClearChoice Reviews page: I currently have Clear Choice implants full set. Right after surgery, they couldn’t get the bleeding to stop for 3 days!!! This 1st trial set of teeth were crooked. Dr. Told me my mouth wasn’t wide enough for the teeth!! […]

2425 S Stearman Dr.
Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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