Can I Get a Refund for an Overdenture That Was Delayed and Doesn’t Fit?
In 2006, I received four dental implants and overdentures. I was so happy with the results. After 15 years, my dentures looked worn, so I scheduled consultations with three cosmetic dentists for a new overdenture. My family dentist does good work, but I am not confident about his cosmetic skills. Among the dentists I consulted […]
Is It a Waste of Money to Get Cosmetic Work on an Athlete’s Dark Front Tooth?
Is doing cosmetic dental work a waste of money since my daughter is an athlete? She is a collegiate basketball player in Tennessee, but our family lives in Georgia. She fell and fractured her front tooth during practice. A dentist did a root canal on the tooth, but it’s starting to turn gray. The dentist […]
Should I Save My Last Three Teeth?
Although I all but 3 of my bottom teeth, I will soon only have three upper teeth left. My dentist recommends extracting the other few remaining teeth because they are worn out from gum disease and stress from a partial denture. I got a second opinion from another dentist who gave me the option of […]