Why Wouldn’t the Dentist Just Pull My Tooth?
My tooth was throbbing 2 days ago, so I got an urgent dental appointment. The dentist said that he thinks he can save the tooth, but if he can’t, it will need to be pulled. He scheduled a root canal for me on Thursday. The pain medication is helping, and I don’t want problems with […]
Will My Cracked Tooth Need a Crown?
My top left tooth behind the canine has a hairline crack. I fell two days ago while doing some yardwork and landed on my left side. My face hit the ground first. My mouth didn’t bleed, but the left side of it is swollen. When I checked my teeth after the fall, they looked okay, […]
How Long Can I Wait to Have Wisdom Teeth Removed?
How long can I wait to have my wisdom teeth removed before it is an emergency? I felt pain in my lower left jaw and scheduled an appointment with a dentist right away. I do not have a regular dentist. After taking x-rays, the dentist said my wisdom teeth are impacted and causing pain. The […]