Can a Third Root Canal Prevent Extraction and Save My Tooth?
I have a tooth with a root canal that was redone in 2015. It is bothering me again. Can I get a third root canal, or will I lose the tooth? – Thanks. Erika from FL Erika, Root canal treatment, while a standard procedure, has limitations. Despite careful execution, a recognized failure rate of 5-15% […]
Why Did My Tooth Start Hurting 2 Years After a Root Canal?
I’ve had a toothache in a root canal tooth since early June, but I had the root canal in February 2021. Isn’t that weird? I am concerned that the root canal may have failed, and I will need an extraction and a dental implant. Why did this happen after two years? Thank you. Trevor […]
My Root Canal Tooth Got Infected
Last September, I had an infected root canal tooth, and the whole thing eventually failed. My dentist tried to save the tooth again, but he couldn’t. So last week I agreed to an extraction. It’s a front tooth, too. I’m going back and forth with whether to replace it with a dental bridge or an […]