Open: Mon & Wed 8:00 - 5:00, Tue & Thu 9:00-6:00
Phone: 480-755-1661
2425 S Stearman Dr., Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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Gentle, compassionate, professional care
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Will My Cracked Tooth Need a Crown?

My top left tooth behind the canine has a hairline crack. I fell two days ago while doing some yardwork and landed on my left side. My face hit the ground first. My mouth didn’t bleed, but the left side of it is swollen. When I checked my teeth after the fall, they looked okay, […]


How Can I Find a Dentist to Save My Split Tooth?

My tooth split, and I just saw a dentist who wants to remove it, but I want someone to save the tooth. Without running from one dental office to another, what should I look for on websites to know if I should call and make an appointment? I want someone who will at least try […]

2425 S Stearman Dr.
Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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