Open: Mon & Wed 8:00 - 5:00, Tue & Thu 9:00-6:00
Phone: 480-755-1661
2425 S Stearman Dr., Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
Model Smiling
Gentle, compassionate, professional care
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Why Is My Jaw Still Swollen After Tooth Extraction and Antibiotics?

I had a tooth extracted next to my lower right wisdom tooth last Tuesday. I had swelling around my jaw before the procedure. The dentist prescribed amoxicillin for an infection. Despite taking the antibiotics for four days, the swelling is much worse. The area below my jaw is now hard and swollen like a golf […]


Was a Tooth Fragment Left in My Socket After Extraction?

I would like to know if my symptoms could mean that my dentist left a broken piece of tooth in the socket after extraction. After getting a second molar extracted in September, I still have pain on the upper left side of my face and behind my eye. I had no symptoms before the extraction. […]


My Dentist Couldn’t Pull My Tooth and Left It Loose

I have a tooth that has been hurting for 8 months. My family dentist did a root canal treatment, but it didn’t work, so she recommended pulling the tooth. I went this past Monday, and my dentist numbed me, but she couldn’t get the tooth out. She was tugging on it and knocked the tooth […]

2425 S Stearman Dr.
Suite 111
Chandler, AZ 85286
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