Can a Dentist Save My Broken-Off Teeth?
I was planning on getting Invisalign in a few months, but I had an accident, and two of my front teeth broke. I saw my dentist yesterday, and she says the roots are intact. She is going to refer me to a specialist. I don’t have any sense of whether these teeth can be restored […]
Is Getting Rid of Black Triangles Between My Teeth Worth It?
I have noticeable black triangles between my lower teeth. I have mixed feelings about doing anything about them because I’m unsure what the upkeep will involve. I’m getting self-conscious about the black triangles, but I don’t know if I should be. If I get dental bonding, how long will it last? I have dental anxiety, […]
Was a Tooth Fragment Left in My Socket After Extraction?
I would like to know if my symptoms could mean that my dentist left a broken piece of tooth in the socket after extraction. After getting a second molar extracted in September, I still have pain on the upper left side of my face and behind my eye. I had no symptoms before the extraction. […]