Why Do My Cavity Filings Keep Falling Out?
I have two cavity fillings that keep falling out. I’ve been doing tooth fillings at home using temporary filling kits since March, and it seems they only last a month before they fall out again. For now, a dentist’s tooth fillings cost more than I can afford. I just want to know how to get […]
Why Did My Tooth Start Hurting 2 Years After a Root Canal?
I’ve had a toothache in a root canal tooth since early June, but I had the root canal in February 2021. Isn’t that weird? I am concerned that the root canal may have failed, and I will need an extraction and a dental implant. Why did this happen after two years? Thank you. Trevor […]
Need to Remove Tooth Root in My Sinus After Extraction?
I have a tooth root tip in my sinus after extraction. My dentist removed my upper right first molar two weeks ago, and she had problems with the extraction. She left a broken tooth root behind because she was concerned about puncturing my sinus. I have a referral to an oral surgeon to remove the […]